Friday, January 7, 2011

Anthem: Chapter 2

Respond to 2 of the 5 questions listed below. Follow the same instructions from the last chapter's blog.

Reread the account of Liberty 5-3000 . What character traits are revealed in this brief description?

Of the whole range of feelings possible to man (joy, excitement, anger, embarrassment, etc.), why is fear the prevalent emotion in this society?

Using the descriptions, contrast Equality with the rest of the men living in this society.

Equality says “a word steals into our mind, as we look upon our brothers”. What is that word and why would that be the word he thinks of?

Start a personal glossary in which you explain the following terms:a. The Great Truth b. the Unmentionable Times c. the Uncharted Forest d. the Evil Ones e. the Great Rebirth

Honors' Discussion Prompt: Follow the same instructions from the previous prompt.

What word is Equality struggling to recapture at the end of this chapter? In your opinion, why is this word the only crime punishable by death in this society? How does this word contradict the ideals of this society? What could its rediscovery possibly lead to?


  1. 2/Fear is the prevelalent emotion in Anthem because the people know nothing else. They say it is a crime to be unhappy, but the people of Anthem do not truly know happiness. All there is in the dull city of Anthem is fear, rules, and discipline. No one has ever shown them what it is to feel joy or love unconditionally. Theirs is an unrealistic "society" with no true pleasant emotions.

    4/The word Equality thinks of is fear. Fear for, I believe, there is nothing else to think of save despair and grief. I believe Equality thinks of fear because of disappointment in himself. He knows what he is doing with the secret room and Liberty and is fearful for consequenses. Fear, doubt, and worry in fellow man himself.

  2. Honors/ The word Equality ponders so deeply is why. If you think about it, no one is defiant in the Anthem society. Therefore, if someone questions 'why' then he must be silenced. It contradicts the ideals of Anthem's society with defiance. The most likely outcome would be a riot, but then, Anthem definitely needs one.

  3. #1: It says that Liberty 5-3000 was a very beautiful individual. She had dark eyes that weren't filled with fear, kindness, or guilt. Liberty 5-3000 had blond hair that flew in the wind. She was a peasant of the city that seeded the fields. She wore a white tunic when she was working in the fields. I think she could control her emotions very well because everyday they saw each other and her facial expression never changed no matter what.

    #3: Equality was different than the rest of the men in the anthem because he would do what he wanted to whenever he wanted to do it. For example, in this chapter he went against the rules and not only did he acknowledge that there was women in the fields, but he even talked to one and that one just happened to be Liberty 5-3000. He didn't want things to be chosen for him, yet he lived in a society which chose what he was going to do in his future and who he was going to "mate" with. He followed these rules so that he would not end up burned like the man that he saw when he was ten, but in secret he committed some crimes so he could have a couple of things his way.

  4. Honors: I think the word is discovery. I think it is this because without discovery we would not have any of the modern day things we have today such as computers, or televisions. This crime would be punishable by death because this society doesn't want any more discovery because the leaders of this society do not want the citizens of this society to know what the outside world is like. They want their citizens to know what they teach them, and only what they teach them. It contradicts the ideals of this society because this society is built that the leaders can choose what people do and don't discover and learn. It's rediscovery could lead to more discovery which would eventually lead to a world that is exciting and that is full of new things and ideas, some of which could change the world forever.

  5. #1: Liberty 5-3000 is given a few traits. For one she stand's tall and straight. This means she is proud. She has eyes that are dark and contain no fear. She is brave. Her hair is golden to Equality and is described as wild. She might be defiant.

    #2: The Great Truth: All men are equal and each man works for the good of the the others or group.

    The Unmentionable Times: A time when no one understood the Great Truth. And the Evil ones existed.

    Uncharted Forest: A forest filled with beast's; that can't be crossed.

    The Evil Ones: The people that did not understand the Great Truth, and would not accept it.

    The Great Rebirth: A time when the evil ones came to an end. Started with burning their books and continued with other transgression until the Evil Ones no longer existed.

    Honors : I think, I, is the unspeakable word. It is punishable by death because the Leaders don't want others to learn individualism. It contradicts the society because it teaches for all instead of one. It's rediscovery could lead to civil war. Between leaders and ordinary people.

  6. 1) They describe liberty 3-500 with dark and hard glowing eyes, with not fear in them, no kindness and no guilt. Maybe because they could not tell what these girls where thinking, she was hard to read which caught their attention. Her hair was golden as then sun. These people consider the sun very important and radiant I think this was their way of calling her beautiful by comparing her to something warm and glowing. They also say the earth was a beggar under their feet, like she was irresistible and wanted by all.
    2) These men are taught to not think of themselves as a whole but as one. They’re supposed to think like their brothers and not to say anything another brother would not say. These men are constantly afraid of doing something they're not allowed to. There are so many rules that they live in fear all the time. They're afraid to be happy and joyful, you can't even sing without getting scolded. These men are always afraid because they don’t want to get in trouble but its hard not to.

  7. Honors)
    The unspeakable word is Ego. The true definition of Ego is the "I" or self of any person. In this society no person is one self they use the word "we" and they don’t have names. They are taught you are the same and to not ask what you look like. If the rediscovery of the word "I" or "Ego" came back up in this society the entire city would be altered and it would change how they live and how they work.

  8. In the brief description it gives of Liberty, all we words it uses to describe her are harsh, but it portrays her as beautiful, cold, and proud. It uses the simile 'as a blade of iron' for how thin she is. For the eyes it says they're hard, dark, and glowing, with no fear, or kindness, or guilt in them. Even her hair, which is golden, had a simile that made it seem defiant and harsh, just like the rest of her. When she is tossing the seeds it even describes her coldly. Despite all that though, he cares for her most. Maybe it is because she is different from the other women in her defiant coldness that he cares for her. Like himself, she is not lifeless, scared, and dull like the rest of society.

  9. The word Equality thinks of when he looks upon his brothers is 'fear'. He thinks of fear because it is everywhere in his society. Everyone feels it, but they are all too afraid to say anything. It's wrong in their society to be unhappy so everyone must be happy and show no fear. However, since everyone feels it and it fills the air everywhere, it leaks out unconsciously, like a cry for help in your sleep.

  10. Honors Prompt:
    I think the word he is trying to figure out is I. It is punishable by death because if someone has learned it then they must die so others won't hear it and learn it too. The word goes against everything the society stands for. The word 'I' is for an individual. It is the word of a single person, not one part of a whole, and the society would perish if everyone discovered the word and became individuals with free wills and desires.

  11. #2: I think the reason why fear would be the most prevalent emotion is because there are a strict set of rules and if you don't follow them you will be punished. They know the basic rules, but they ae afraid to try something new because they are afraid to get in trouble for it. All they know of is fear, and if there was one other word to desribe survival would be secrety. They are so afraid of almost everything because they live in fear, so by living in fear led to living in secrety. They are afraid to let anything out, so they keep it in.

    #3: Equality is a lot different than the other men in the society he lives in. He tries to follow the rules, but he is really curious about a lot of things, so he can't hold himself back. From the beginning, he was taller and smarter than everybody else. They thought it was weird to be smarter, but I think that's why he wonders so much. He tries to fit in, but I think that's what makes him want to go out and see things more. Just like how he liked Liberty 3-5000 and managed to even talk to her. He may live in a society that's very controlled, but he finds a way to control some of his outcomes without anybody knowing. I like that about him.

  12. Response to kmael:
    I agree it does seem unrealistic, how could man let things deteriorate so much that their society becomes that?

    Response to scrou:
    I agree with you the rules that were established for the good and happiness of all mankind doesn't make them happy, they are afraid because of them.

  13. Honors Prompt: I think the word that Eqaulity is trying to recapture would be individuality. They have always been taught to be as one, and to think as one. They have people pick their jobs for them, their rules, basically their whole lives. I think they would be afraid of individuality because people would realize that they shouldn't have to do something a certain way, and their needs to be differences. Not just a whole. I think they are afraid that, that will start a riot. They are afraid of change, and they want to stay as a whole.

  14. #1: Liberty 5-3000 was described as very thin. She had dark eyes that showed no fear, kindness, or guilt. Her hair was blond and blew in the wind while she worked. She worked out in the field with the other peasants. She had amazing control over her emotions.

    #3: Equality was very different from his brothers. He had a sense of curiosity that no else seemed to share. He had a strong mind and will while everyone else followed blindly and showed fear almost constantly. His brothers stood hunched over and had dull eyes. The laws in the book say that all men must be happy but Equality's brothers don't seem very happy to me.

  15. #1 You can tell that Liberty is different from the other "brothers and sisters" like equality is. She isn't afraid to break the rules occasionally, assuming she doesn't get caught of course. She is probably pretty smart, too. The way she spoke to Equality shows that she knows what she's talking about and has thought everything out. You can also tell that she's attracted to Equality the way he's attracted to her.

    #2 Fear is definatley the most prevelant emotion. If you live in a society where you are told everything you must be and do, wouldn't you be scared too? It's a crime to say "I" or to express any individuality at all. You can't write down anything going against the government, and when people are buried alive they have the children attend. Honestly, I was pretty scared for Equality and Liberty while reading this. It's almost unfathomable to think of such a society where self expression is so frowned upon.

    Honors: I'm not sure specifically what this word is, but I know it has somthing to do with being an individual instead of a part of a collected society. This word is probably the only crime punishable by death because the government is scared that the word will be spread around. If everyone becomes aware of this word and learns that they are entitled to have freedoms, then that could lead to a rebellion.The only thing keeping this from happening is the schooling draining any self expression citizens may have had from them. If they find out that it's not humane to be denied these expressions, it would all be over for the government.

  16. @ scrou

    I'm really impressed that you figured that out. I wouldn't have even known what that word meant if you hadn't explained it! Well done. C:

  17. Prompt: I think the word is I. Using the word I would mean you aren’t part of the great 'we' and this goes against all their laws. You would be put to death for using the word because once one person said it, others would start using it and eventually people would realize they are their own person. The word I represents an individuals right to think, speak, and act in a way unique to them. This would most definitely go against their society’s teachings.

  18. 1). Based on the description in the book, Liberty is different from the others kinda like Equality. When he looked into her eyes, he saw that she had no kindness, fear, or guilt. Thats quite a combination and is probably very rare in this society. All of the other people probably show one of the three things while Liberty does not. She is obviously braver and more willing to break the rules.

    2). I sensed fear almost immediately from Equality and the rest of the brothers. Do you blame though? Being told how to act, what to do, what not to do, how to spend the rest of your life, and a whole lot more would be pretty scary stuff. You wouldn't be allowed to be an individual and I'm pretty sure you would be punished if you even tried. Try living with that burden your entire life and tell me you wouldn't be scared.

    Prompt: I'm gonna have to agree with Kieran on this one that the word is "why". If somebody were to start asking why then that could lead to defiance, and that is exactly what the leaders of this society have worked so hard to prevent. I mean if alot of people start to defy their leaders that could lead to a revolt. I might be completely wrong about this but it does make sense. At least to me.

  19. @scrou: your response for the honors one is like awesome. I never would have thought of that and I agree 100%.

    @bbick: your response for the honors part is also good. I agree with that one as well.

  20. 1- I think the straight, sharpness atones to the fact that she is currently in the dark over the individual identity. The golden hair shows potential, the ability of enlightenment.The fact that she progresses helps this theory that she is also different. I take it that she must be smart and kind. Equality must also think that she is beautiful.

    2- My answer is because this society is driven without individual knowledge, they are fearful. I think this because I believe that knowledge is a great cure for fear. The prevalence of fear can also be explained by the lack of real choice in the society, so fear must be used to keep order. There are many historical examples of this. The rejection of previous knowledge is there also.

  21. Prompt: the word that he was looking for was ego. This word is punishable by death because it is the only possible thing that is completely against the society. It contradicts because it validates the individual, a deadly sin for them. The rediscovery of this word could lead to a questioning of everything with authority. The society would then fall into anarchy.

    Kmael: I didn't think of why to be that word. That may be because I have already finished the book. Still, that might be an even better answer. Beast:)

    Hcurr: You agreed with Kieran's great answer. My suggestion is that "why"'s place is on pg. 85. It's my favorite part of the book.

  22. #1 Equality felt something when he first saw Liberty. According to him, she is beautiful with golden hair. Her hair is also described as long. He thinks she seems nice. Equality's attraction to her complicates things because people are not allowed to have personal relationships.
    #3 Equality is different both physically and mentally. For one, he is six feet tall. Another thing is that he craves knowledge. He retains knowledge better than everyone else also. One major thing is that he wants to have a different job.
    Prompt: The word that Equality wants to know is also what the title of the book was going to be, "Ego". It is the one thing that would ruin The Council's world. This one word is punishable by death because it breaks every law. It contradicts the attempt to take away everyone's individuality. If this word, "ego", is discovered, it could lead to a revolt.

  23. #1 Equality described Liberty as being totally different from any other woman. Her hair was golden and long, which seemed to entice him. Her demeanor and personality seems to be like Equality's. They are both, in a way, civil rebels. The simple lifestyle of Liberty gives her the ability to think like Equality. This could be important later on.
    #2Equality is very different then his brothers of the society. First, he is much smarter, which is looked down upon. He has the ability to reason and question authority. While others are puppets and do not have many emotions, Equality is thinking for them. His joy is there, not because it is law, but because he actually feels emotion.

  24. Prompt: I think the word is "ego", or "I" because these simple words defy everything the society represents. The words represent individuality, free will, and human emotion and curiosity. Equality ponders the consequences of this. He must think carefully because he knows that it is punishible by death. This could lead to a rebellion among the citizens.

  25. #1 In the short conversation between Equality 72521 and Liberty 5300, it is made clear that Equality thinks Liberty is beautiful. I noticed right after he remarked of her beauty she did not thank him for his compliment, instead she quickly asked for his name. Therefore this told me Liberty could control her emotions well. She also found out that they were not the same type of brothers. The book says she has dark eyes that show no guilt, with blonde hair. She is described to have a very petite figure.

  26. #2 Fear would be the prevalent emotion in this society because they know nothing else. The citizens are scared they might do or say the wrong thing causing them punishment because there are so many different rules to follow. They can get into trouble by simply not being happy. I find this to be a strange rule because the people living there truly do not know what happiness or joy is. So how can they adapt to it? The people to me always seem to be “on the edge” or jumpy, because they are timid and afraid they might make a mistake.

  27. Prompt: Equality is struggling to recapture the word I. I, is the one word these people are forbidden to say. This is only because the people there do not have names; instead they are referred to as we so it makes everyone seem alike. Rediscovery of the word I would change everything. People wouldn’t be known as “we” but instead they would all be separate individuals. This is the way it should be.

  28. Pzopp: I think maybe you read the end, but, it would make sense. I, gets rid of individualism.

    Kmaeld: I don't understand why the word would be why. He may not have been allowed to wonder, but it wasn't criminal as long as it's for his brothers. A word that give's a sense of self worth is more dangerous, as it gives a true view at what you are.

  29. @Bbick:
    I liked how you noticed the simile comparing liberty to a thin blade of iron.

    I agree with your response to how you compare Equality with the rest of the men living in that society.

  30. 2)
    In a society live Equality's fear would be the most common emotion. The people here are restricted on what they are allowed to feel. Their knowledge on life and their city is very limited. Fear is what any type of "leader" or "government" wants. If someone is scared, they'll more than likely do as directed.

    Equality is extremely different than any other man in this society. Equality believes that his feelings should be expressed and often wonders why his world is so dual and restricted. Equality expresses his feelings through writing in his own diary-type format. The other men in his society stick to the rules and keep their emotions to themselves.

  31. @emilyfulks:
    I agree with your comment on individuality and how the word "I"

    I agree with your comment on Liberty.

  32. In chapter two, Liberty 5-3000 is described as "Their body was straight and thin as a blade of iron. Their eyes were dark and hard and glowing, with no fear in them, no kindness, and no guilt. Their hair was as golden as the sun; their hair flew in the wind, shining, and wild as if it defied men to restrain it." (Rand,38) I think that Equality finds these traits attractive because she looks proud, and thats how he feels. He likes these qualities because he sees them in himself.

  33. I think that Equality is very different from the other men in his society. Based on the descriptions of the other men, they seem to be lowly and quiet. They walk slumped over and try to isolate themselves. Based on Equality's description, I would say that he stands tall and almost puts himself on display for the world to see. The reason that I think this is because he is described as proud, and someone who is proud never walks slumped over.

  34. They reveal to us that she is very cold and maybe scared. Other men aren't like Equality becasue he is tempted by "sin." Equality is not like the other men because when they were in the sleeping chamber he said he could feel the fear.

  35. Prompt-The word he was trying to remember is "ego." They don't them to think that because if they had an ego they may resist what the council says. If that word gets spread around then one of the students may figure out how ridiculous there community is. Of the word was rediscovered it could lead to the council being over turned and the people having a different system of government or t their civilization could crumble altogether.

  36. I think that Equality is struggling to recapture the word 'I'. To go deeper, I think that he is trying to rediscover the meaning of ones ego. The reason that this word is so forbidden is because it goes against the idea that all as one is better than one, which is the entire basis for their society. If it were rediscovered, a rebelion could ocurr, and the entire society would fall. This is why this word has such terrible consequences for being said.

  37. @pzopp - I totally agree with your statement about the honors promt.

    @thart - I like that you thought Equality was trying to capture the word 'discovery' - that was a different perspective

  38. From- sskin

    Liberty 5-3000 is decribed as a woman with flowing golden hair and dark eyes. She never gives away her emotions and doesn't show fear, love, or much emotion at all. She spends her days spreading seeds for the fields. Equality feels fear when he first see's her bacause he knows what he feels is forbidden.

    The Great Truth- That all man must work for the great "we"
    The Unmentionable Times- A time when no one knew the great truth and evil ones rose up to take control
    Uncharted Forest- A forest that is forbidden to go into to and is filled with beasts
    The evil ones- People who didn't want to accept the great truth
    The Great Rebirth- When the unmentionable times ended and the great "we" came to be

    -Honors Prompt-
    I think the word he is trying to think of is "I". I think this is the only word punishible by death because it would mean the person is not the great "we" anymore and would be breaking all the rules of the society. It contridicted the rules of the society because it would mean they are not all only one. If this society redicovered this word then people would be free and would think for themselves after awhile. They would eventually riot and be put into Civil War.

  39. from-sskin

    katiewall2009- If he was trying to think of ego then why didn't it hint to that. It seemed more inclined to the forbidden word "I" than ego.

    JFaul- I agree when you say he is very different from other men. I also agree with your diary-type format idea.

  40. Liberty seems to be every guy’s dream girl. She is described as a very skinny and fit individual. She also has brown eyes that are very dark. Her hair is very long and blonde. Finally, Liberty is intelligent like Equality and picks up sign easily.

    a. The Great Truth – The great truth is that all men are alike and you must live to serve your fellow.

    b. The Unmentionable Times – These are the times when there were skyscrapers, cars and light bulbs. These times are not to be spoken of.

    c. The Uncharted Forest – These forests are the outskirts of the so called “flat world.” It is frowned upon to go there because you will most likely die.

    d. Evil Ones – The evil ones are people that existed before the great rebirth and were defeated in war.

    e. The Great Rebirth – This is when the Evil Ones were destroyed and everything changed; society, politics, laws, and even technology.

    Honors’ Prompt: In my opinion the unthinkable word is I. If any of them put themselves before the community as a whole, it is a sin. Saying I is also putting yourself apart and giving yourself power. This is something The Counsel does not want. I is definitely the unthinkable word.

  41. Reply to pzopp: I like the way that you described the way they use the word we instead of I.

    Reply to ekapl: I like the way that you described individuality it really helped me understand the concept. Keep up the good work.

  42. respond scrou #1 You had some good points.
    respond thart prompt: You like how you tie the word with the totalitarian government.

  43. @thart
    I liked your detailed of description of Liberty.

    I liked your description of the Great Truth.

  44. @kcooper1996
    I liked the way you descibed Liberty. You gave her qualities that men want most in females

    how you stated he was stuggling to find the word 'I' is totally how I feel.

  45. I believe that fear is the only emotion fit because it has been embedded in their minds since they were orn. It wasn't meant to be known but their teachings have limitted thier view to not go or think past certain things. They have been taught to not make contact with others, so they dont grow emotionally attatched. It goes against the laws, but when one starts to get the sensation of a feeling not known to them they grow hesitant and afraid. It is an idea sparked by ways man was born with but hidden from.
    Equality is given a character different in every aspect than the other men. He goes beyond what is taught in order to discover new things. He is bold by speaking to Liberty which the law completely forbids. He comes out to speak what is on his mind even though taught to keep it in the mind. His ego differs far beyond that of any other man..

  46. Equality struggles to find the word 'I'. This is the word that is only punishable by death to say. The entire society is built upon everyone thinking equal and doing what they are meant to do. If they discover who they truly are society would collapse. It would no longer have the communist like foundation it was built upon. Everyone would desire to achieve more afterwards

  47. 1) Liberty 5-3000 is described as a very beautiful person who is different from Equality and his brothers. She is as skinny as a blade of iron. Her eyes are dark, hard and glowing. Their is no fear, no kindness and no guilt in her dark eyes. Her long, shining, gorgeous golden hair flew wild in the wind. She seems able to control her emotions. She is almost wanting to stand out from everyone else. She seems willing to bend the rules a little.

    2)Fear is the prevalent emotion is Anthem. They are taught differently and it's almost scary. They know nothing else than to live as a whole and not an individual. They live in fear because they are scared that if they say or do something wrong, it will be the death of them. Probably not so much death, but a cruel punishment they will never forgive themself for. There are so many different rules to follow, they can get into trouble by not even showing simple happiness. Honestly, how do they even know what happiness is? They live in such a society that is so strict and dull, it's probably hard to find some inner delight. They don't know what true happiness is. They are so afraid they are gonna make a mistake, they can't even find satisfaction or peace of mind in their life.

    Prompt: I'm not quite sure of the word because it could be anything from individuality to a simple ego. This word is probably banned from society because they are afraid that more people will find it out and learn something different. When they spread this word, the people will learn there is such a thing as individuality and being different. They have yet to realize there is such a thing as being entitled to your own opinions. If they find the word and it's true meaning, it could cause for a disruption in the society. I think the people who know this word keep it secret because maybe something bad has happened before. Maybe they have already realized how rebellious they are when people find out this "forbidden word." Apparently, being and individual is wrong? They would do anything, even kill someone, to keep this word on the down low. Anything to keep from personality, individuality, independence, character, psyche, and an ego. (;

  48. @jbower- I like how you described how fear was prevalent in their society. Also, how you added that they can't interact with others because they can grow emotionally attached.

    @zbooth13- I like how you described Equality and how he is different from his brothers.

  49. Fear is the only emotion in the Anthem. Everybody is taught the same. If someone wants to be individual, they will be punished to death. Everybody worries about what they do. The society is so strict, that is the only emotion that you would see. I don't how they could stand it.

    Equality seems different from everybody else. If he could, he would like to explore individual qualities. He knows when he does that, a heavy consequence could come down on him. He is very brave for talking to Liberty and going against what he was taught.

    I think the unthinkable word is "I". This word describes one person and individual characteristics. Not being the same is punishable and that is why I think the banished word is "I".

    @jbower - Your vivid description of fear in the society was very detailed and interesting.

    @mnieb - I like your idea on the unthinkable work. There are many possibilities.

  50. Liberty 5-3000 is a beautiful woman that Equality is attracted to. She has golden blonde hair and dark eyes with no fear nor kindness. Liberty 5-3000 wears a white tunic and works in a field. She seems like she can control her emotions well.

  51. Honors: I think the word Equality can not use is the word "I." Equality has to think as one body and not as an individual. The society must keep this word forbidden. They possibly can see into the future and know what will happen if this "word" is used too often. The society could start getting ideas and think freely and independent.

  52. Equality does not think like other men in his society. He sometimes sins more than once a day. Equality thinks the forbidden on accident and makes sure no one hears him. In a way Equality is secretive, thinks freely and thinks outside of the big picture.

  53. #1: Liberty 5-3000 is only described very little but theses little descriptions are very vivid. The book describes Liberty as beautiful, yet her eyes are dark and hard and glowing, with no emotion. Also it describes her hair as golden as the sun, and seemed to defie man to restrain it. The book mentions that Equality must not think about Liberty, but yet he doesnt understand why he has theses feelings for her. Liberty is not only described as beautiful but she is described as strong minded and graceful.

  54. #4: The word that comes to Equality's mind is FEAR. The only reason is because his brothers only fear to speak about how they feel and whats on their mind. Equality descrides how the men hold them selves in the great hall, he describes them sulking and depressed. Equality not only descrides his brothers fear but he describes his own, for he fears are the same as his brothers. I can only imagine the pain and fear these men face for if they say their feelings death is sure to follow.

  55. Honors prompt: In my opion the word Equality is struggleing to grasps is hope. Hope can give many of these men to do anything, like runaway to the uncharted forest. This word ony contradicts the society because if there was hope there would be no reason to live like they do. Hopes rediscovery would be a tramatic thing because people would wonder in search of something. If they search for something then they wouldnt be living in this society.

    @ Jbowe: Your description of fear is very good, its really detailed and vivid.

    @ Pzopp: The way you write your paragraphs are very good.

  56. #2 Fear is prevelant in this society because the government controls everything. If men speak their mind or share an opinion then they are considered "evil". In this society, men are whipped and beat to death. In the story, there is a man that has his tongue cut out, and then he is burned at a stake. This man was killed because he had discovered something that the government doesn't want out. The people are scared because they are killed if they choose to have a mind of their own.

    #3 Equality is different from the other men in many ways. He shows no fear of using his mind,or disobeying the government. He is extremely brave compared to all of the other men, and he is dedicated to whatever he sets his maind to.

  57. Honors Prompt: Equality is struggling to find the word "I". The word that seperates us from all others. This word is a crime because it makes you different from all of the "brothers". If men began using this word, then everyone would be different. The goverment doesn't want this because they want total control over everything. If the government chooses what job they should have, who they mate with, and how they spend the rest of their lives, then they have total power.

  58. 1. The way Equality describes Liberty 5-3000 is very nice and unique. The body was nice and straight and her eyes were dark, with no fear inside. He compares her hair to the golden sunlight, and how it flows with the wind. He is basically describing her as the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, but due to the law of never being allowed to talk to women, he was not able to tell her his feelings. This would really suck, but maybe along the road, he will be able to.

    2. The word fear was definitely the emotion back in this society. The thought of ever breaking a law was scary to think about. If you committed any type of sin, the punishment would bring fear throughout your body. The thought of fear struck through Equality's body while he was underground. He knew if someone ever was to find out, he would be a dead duck. So, happiness or joy was never the emotion, it was most definitely fear.

    Honors Prompt: The word is why! Why must you die from speaking such a small word. Its against the law and death is the punishment, which is extremey harsh. This one word would have you burned or even killed, in front of everyone in the center of the city. It completely messes up the society if you question, using this word.

    @kshul: i like how you wrote about Liberty 5-3000

    @mnieb: I like how you described fear in this society.

  59. #1-Liberty 5-3000 is described as a dark-eyed, golden-haired beauty, who was sent to work the soil at the home of the peasants. He is also described as a skinny but tough woman.

    #2-Fear is prevalent in the society because everyone is scared to to do do something wrong and get burned to death or even worse. They are not to mention the unmentionable word or the unmentionable times, for it is not allowed in the society.

  60. Honors prompt:I think that the word is I, because they want the citizens to be known as "we" because they are all supposed to be equal. It should not be worthy of death, because it is a word that we use in our everyday life.

    1. Yes, the word I has been extinguished because all people are suppose to be equal. It makes sense though that the goverment in this book would go to extremes to make sure the word would not be said though. Just because we say it all the time does not mean it should carry over to their culture.

  61. @sethkinker-I like the way that you decribed how Equality decribed Liberty. I can tell that you put some thought into writing that response.

    @lcrem-I like how you said that Equality is not like his brothers.

  62. #2/Fear is so prevalent within this society because the people have a fear of being punished. The same is so for the Council; they have a fear that the people will rebel against them. It seems that this backwards society (if you can call it that) is based on fear. It is used for control on wither side of the spectrum, council or underling. They all have a fear that society will become diverse like it was in the Unmentionable Times. "But we must never speak of times before the Great Rebirth, else we are sentenced to three years in the Palace of Corrective Detention."(Rand pg. 19)
    Without individuality, no one can revolt or start a war. I guess the Council thought humanity was too individualistic so they took it away. The only reason they took it away seems to be the right to order. They would rather brainwash people than fight their own battles. It is like in the story of Troy when Achilles says, "Wouldn't that be something? A King who fights his own battles."

  63. #4/ The word is I and it is a word that Equality's soul wishes to utter as soon as possible. It has been forbidden by the Council to speak the word because they are afraid of individuality. I equals how a man or woman feels about himself. We equals how a man or woman feels about his peers. The Council focuses more on we.
    "The words of the Evil Ones...the words of the Unmentionable Times...What are the words which we have lost?"(Rand pg.49). As soon as he thinks of the Unmentionable Times and the Unspeakable Word Equality calls out for mercy from the Council, even though no one knows he thought the word. This is because the Council has brainwashed the people into thinking that thinking for yourself is a crime. Why would they do this? They did it for sheer power and order.

  64. HONORS PROMPT/ The word he is searching for is the word I. The word is punishable according to the Council. They most likely believe that if the word was spoken it would cause an outburst of revolution against their government. The council is right and the revolution would be richly deserved. I hope Equality succeeds in his ventures.

    1. You are right, the word he is searching for is I. I am not sure that an entire revolution would happen though, the Council must think this though. Do you think the Council themselves know the word considering it has been abandonded?

  65. In the time that Equality lived in the only light that was available is the sun and candles. In chapter three Equality discovers eletricity and relizes his ability to control it. Not only does he relize his ability to control th element, but he relizes its many uses. With this he can light his "brothers" houses, he can light the streets, he can help people work longer with more light. A candle will burn out after a couple of weeks of constant use. If Equality worked hard enough he might be ablr to reinvent the telegraph, or the electric automobile.

  66. Equality is not like his "brothers", he is taller than most, thus he thinks of himself as cursed. He is naturally a quick learner, and was punished for this often when he was young. As a person he is willing to brake rules to do what he thinks is right, and he repeatably brakes these rules to be alone.

  67. Alright im doing a research project, i am not good at englight what would they be brainwashed of?

  68. I think that a lot of y'all are dumb and racist towards stuff. that's it, man.
