Respond the question below.
What does Equality discover in this chapter? How important is this discovery? Describe four or five ways in which it would help society and make life easier or more enjoyable.
Honors' Discussion Prompt
Outline some of the Council of Scholars’ beliefs. What does Equality say about those beliefs? What thoughts, suggestions, etc., do you have about these beliefs? Could/ would/ do these beliefs exist in society today?
Honors/ The Council of Scholars proclaimed 'all men know the things which exist and, therefore, the things which are not known by all do not exist'. Equality does not agree with this thinking at all. He believes the secrets of this earth are not for all men to see, but rather only for those who will seek them. I agree with Equality on this 110%. Nothing secretive, hidden, or worth finding is ever just handed over. One must find or earn that secret.
ReplyDeleteThe Scholars also argued that no one single person can contain more knowledge than all the Scholars combined. Yet Equality does, and it frightens him. He has exceeded these set expectations and even possibly surpassed the knowledge of the Scholars.
Though our society today does allow for more free thinking, undoubtedly there continues to be brilliant people with different ideas who are disregarded every day.
I love your last statement that brillsnt ideas are disregarded everyday. It is true, but the Scholars decide everything and abuse the power.
Delete#1: Equality discovers electricity in this chapter. This is a very important discovery because if you can harvest electricity you can use it for powering things such as the light bulbs on the wall that he mentioned. It could make life easier because instead of lighting and candle you can use the electricity to power light bulbs. You can also use this new discovery for powering things for entertainment purposes like a television or a computer. It can also, if used right, save lives.
ReplyDeleteHonors Discussion Prompt: The Council of Scholars believes that all that is already known is all there is to be known in this bleak society that they live in. They believe that what is already known is all there is to know and it is all that exists and that's what they want the citizens of their society to believe and to not question. Anything new that is discovered is rendered useless and is thrown to the side like it was never there. They act like they never have any ideas or thoughts other than thoughts or ideas of which have already been discovered. They believe that anything new is wrong and that the only thing worth knowing is what is already known.
ReplyDeleteI think the Council of Scholars is completely wrong in the sense that they throw out ideas before they even analyze them, and test them to see if they are correct or valid. I mean any idea is a good one as long as you can bring it to life. For example, if someone came up with a car that would be the most fuel efficient than I think we should test it to see if this is true and if it is than to let this car be used so that fossil fuels and energy is saved for transportation. This kind of car would benefit everybody because the dealer would get a sell and the buyer would save more money on gas and would be better to the Earth.
I think these beliefs don't apply today yet they kind of do, because students in school learn stuff in school that has already been discovered, but scientists do all the discovering; although to become a scientist you have to learn the basics going through school so you can test ideas of your own in your future life as a scientist.
In this chapter they have discover a new energy or power sores. They have found how to make wires "glow" they discovered electricity. If they used what was discovered they could keep lights on outside at night. They wouldn’t have to burn themselves with candles. With the electricity they could make new technology and learn how to harvest its energy to make computers maybe. There’s an unlimited possibility when you have people who want to learn and modern technology.
ReplyDeleteThe council of scholars believes that they know all. They said if they do not know of it then it does not exist, Equality believes that they are blind. They say that the secrets of this earth are not for all men to see. They know they have found something unknown and unique but are afraid to share it. I believe that there is always something new to be discovered every day you find something new out that you have never known. Not just one person can know everything that goes on in this world and you can't say there aren’t things to be discovered. In today’s society there’s no way this type of belief system would ever last now there are too many motivated and hard working people wanting to learn.
ReplyDeleteEquality discovered electricity. That is probably the single most important discovery he could have made. It could change everything if they used it. There are an endless amount of things you could do with electricity. They could make life much easier for people in that society by using the electricity for the good of mankind. They could make lights that would light the entire city. They wouldn't need candles anymore. They could make machines that would help them do their work. They could even use lightning rods to protect the cities from lightning. They could heat their homes in the winter, and cool them in the summer. All of these things would improve the quality of life.
ReplyDeleteThe council of scholars are blind and ignorant fools. They believe they know everything, therefore anything they don't know about doesn't exist. Equality thinks they are blind too. The council of scholars are supposed to be the smartest people but Equality, a single man, knows more than the entire council. I don't think such beliefs exist today because people know there are things that scientists haven't discovered or figured out yet, but they are still real, and they still exist.
ReplyDeleteHonors Prompt: The Council of Scholars believed that they knew all and if they didn't know something than it did not exist. Equality did not believe that because he discovered something. He did believe that not all men see discoveries. It is only the people who seek them. I agree with Equality. We discover something new everyday. If we didn't then our society would be something like theirs, but I don't think ours is even close to their's. It is nothing like our society. It would never pass by our people.
ReplyDeleteIn this chapter Equality discovered electricty. That is an important discovery because a lot of things could change. Instead of candles they could use light bulbs and lamps to begin with. Plus, there could be a lot more job offers for their people. They could make machines for their needs. There could be a lot more new technology. It could help make life for them much easier. Today we still find means for electricty, so I'm sure they could find something to use for electricty.
ReplyDeleteIn this chapter, Equality discovers electricity. It took me a while to figure out what specific energy source this was, but I got it eventually. This is a huge discovery. It could help light buildings and pathways, decrease the amount of manual labor done, change communication and entertainment, and help this society advance as a whole. Think of all the daily activities that are made so much easier for us just by having electricity. If Equality keeps it up, he'll figure out indoor plumbing in no time!
ReplyDeleteHonors: To me, it sounds like the Concil of Scholars is more than capable of discovering electricity on their own. They would have to know something about it if it was used in the Unmentionable Times. At this point, I'm not sure what happened to make everyone so upset about the Unmentonable Times, but they have regressed as far as technology. For the Concil to want so much control that they regress in technology is franlky quite sad. It just shows what a communistic society Equality is living in. I think in today's society, the governement likes to feel some sense of control over their people, but I would certainly hope that they wouldn't go this far to maintain that sense of control. It's all a bit scary to me, to think a government that thirsty for power.
Equality discovered electricity. This discovery is important because it could benefit his society in many ways. It also shows that Equality is doing better than his own people, and puts him above them. It could help his society with lighting. It could make life more enjoyable with more light and not dim candles. They would no longer need wax. They would have heat from the electricity.
ReplyDeleteHonors: The Council of Scholars thinks that whatever they say is right. If you don't believe the council then you are wrong and should be punished. I think they are wrong. The beliefs do not exist in civilized society's today. Nowadays you can patent any idea you have and publish it.
You can paten any idea you want, but unless others aprove of it and buy it the idea will sink. You are right though, the Concil knows that they have power so they abuse it.
DeleteHonors/ Equality discovered electricity. Electricity has about onethousand uses so this discovery would be very helpful. One use would be light bulbs. Instead of dimly lit candles the society of Anthem could have bright and flourecent lighting. Another use for electricity would be the ability to decrease the use of man power. That would change the whole society of Anthem tremendously. Whether electricity replaces candles or man hours, it would be very useful.
ReplyDeleteNormal: He "discovers" nothing, but finds out that the world used to have electricity. It is very important. The advancements would lead to new appliances to make work easier, not to mention light which could extend the work hours. That is not even mentioning the world of computers. These could also spur education, which is probably why they aren't allowed. That explains it.
ReplyDeleteEquality discovered electricity. This discovery could make life better in a few ways. They would no longer need candles or wax. More light could be produced by electricity than candles. They could use it for heating too.
ReplyDeleteHonors: The Council of Scholars believes that if everyone doesn't know about something, then it doesn't exist. The Council also thinks that any one who opposes them should be punished. Equality on the other hand, believes that knowledge is for those who go and find it. I don't think that we have a lot people like the Council today. Sure there are people who like to be in control but we the freedom of speech and those people can't do anything about it.
In this chapter Equality discovers electricty. This is huge for him because it changes everything he's ever known. He realizes that this power is capable of alot of things, he's just not sure what yet. With this electricity, they could ditch candles and use lightbulbs, have heat, have more light than candles can produce, or have machines to do some of their work. It would be a technological revolution.
ReplyDeleteHonors:The Council of Scholars claim that everything there is to be known, has already been discovered. I agree with Equality when he says they are blind. Either that, or they know everything and just hide it. Frankly, I'm not sure which would be worse. They are obviously just thirsty for power and I would hope that nothing like this could happen in our society. It's frightening to think that people could be so controlling.
#1 Equality discovers electricity. It is important because it opens so many doors. This means that they could use light bulbs instead of candles. This could allow them to have some of the things that we have. It means that they could do stuff at night more easily, without carrying candles around.
ReplyDeletePrompt: The Scholars are keeping people like the prisoners in Plato's Allegory of the Cave. They don't want the public to be informed (come out of the cave). Equality wants to be the prisoner that escapes. I agree with Equality. This most most definitely is happening today. For example, the media often portray the reality that they want us to see.
Equality discovers electricity in this chapter. This is one of the best things that could have happened to him. This is also important in the sense that it shows the Scholars that more things can be discovered. Instead of wax candles or lanterns, they have other sources of light. It can light dark tunnels, or provide just casual everyday life. Later on, it could lead to inventions for entertainment purposes such as television, cars, and electric toothbrushes.
ReplyDeletePrompt: The Council of Scholars believe that everything has been discovered in the world. They also believe that secrets are meant to be kept from mankind. They believe that new discoveries are wrong and sinful. Equality knows that he is smarter, and it makes him anxious. I am backing up Equality in what he is trying to do. There are some examples in modern day society, such as in communist countries where things are decided for the nation.
ReplyDeleteEquality discovers electricity within this chapter. This is a very important discovery, it could very well change several things for the society in which he lives. It could give them light so they wouldn’t have to use candles anymore and it could make each day longer. By using electricity, he could power machines to make work much easier for everyone and this also means the city could be more technologically advanced. There are many doors of possibilities that come with this discovery.
ReplyDeletePrompt: The Council of Scholars stated that we all know the things which exist and therefore the things which are not known by all do not exist. I as well as Equality do not agree with this statement. They scholars believe they are the best and brightest, however they are mistaken. Equality is already smarter than they are because he has discovered electricity. The council does not know about his new discovery however, that it really does exist. Equality believes that there are many secrets on the earth and only those who seek them will find them. I think the scholars are very ignorant, it isn’t possible for one person alone to know everything in the world because every day there are new discoveries being found. I don’t believe these beliefs exist today because there are still many things out there that are unknown to mankind.
ReplyDeleteemilyfulks: I agree, the scholars are ignorant and have power, a very bad combination.
ReplyDeleteJneal: So you think he rediscovers it? I think he discovered it, it didn't exist to his people and he found it out.
In this chapter, Equality discovers the power of electricity. I think that this discovery is extremely important. Not only is it benefitial because of its products, but because it could show people that not everything has to be done with your fellow man. Its products also give several benefits. It could replace candles, heat homes, and power street lights. They could also use it to build and power machines so that they wouldn't have to work.
ReplyDeleteThe Council of Scholars believe that what everyone knows exists, and that which not everyone knows does not exist. They also believe that no single one can possess greater wisdom than the many Scholars who are elected by men for all their wisdom. Equality clearly disproves both of these theories though because he discovers electricity, which is not know by his brothers. Just because the Scholars say that electricity doesn't exist doesn't mean anything. Equality has basically made fools of these men. I think he knows this because at the end of the chapter he says "No single one can possess greater wisdom than the many Scholars who are elected by all men for their wisdom. Yet we can. We do. We have fought against saying it, but now it is said. We do not care. We forget all men, all laws, and all things save our metals and our wires." (Rand,54)
ReplyDeleteEquality has discovered "the power of nature" as he describes it. He notices that metal interferes with copper. This is something he's never seem, nor heard of, before. If Equality's discovery was open to everyone, his society could become more advanced. Equality tests with his findings, he discovers electricity, and figures out all laws to man. This would be the invention of science.
The scholars believe that everyone knows, everything, that there is to know. The scholars let the people know what they want them to know. They make sure that they have the absolute power, and not the citizens. I don't agree with the beliefs of the scholars. The scholars rule out all knowing to the citizens. This still exists today in many places, in countries, in homes, and even in a group of friends. Sometimes people hide other things from others so they are the ones with all of the power.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what you said about the scholars being blind ignorant fools. It's completely true and humorous at the same time.
I agree with what you said about the scholars knowing about electricity.
In this chapter Equality discovers electricity. That could help not only in his work place but in the buildings. Instead of candles for light they could have the electricity. It could help for with the Council Of Scholars.Plus it means that he may be on his way to discovering science. He did it alone proving that the men don't need each other for everything.
ReplyDeleteThe scholars think that no one can no more than everyone else. I think that the scholars are hiding secrets and that they are making sure that the people only know certain things. They say that no one can have wisdom above another but I think hat they are keeping secrets so they and the Council can be smartest. Apparently not smart enough to discover electricity though.
ReplyDeleteEquality dicovers electricity or another source of light other than fire. It is very important for this society and could provide light and much more. It could help with heating, and seeing in the dark. Eventually it would lead to transportation, entertainment, and even making food. It could also have protected the city from different things.
-Honors Prompt-
The council thinks and believes that they know all and have already found all. They say "That which is not known, does not exsist." Equality thinks they are blind and naive to beleive there is nothing new to be found. The council thinks Equality is dumb and is sinning for thinking he can bring such a "evil thing" into the sight of humans.
ReplyDeletekatiewall2009- I think the scholars know nothing of the past and that they arn't hiding many secrets. I think they were as afriad of the new electricity as anyone else in the society would have been.
JFaul- I think your refrence to "the power of nature" is very cleaver. I goes along with his conection to lightning.
Equality discovers something truly great. He discovers electricity. This could help in many ways. It would improve light and save candles. It would also provide heat.
ReplyDeleteHonors’ Prompt: The scholars believe that telling the population about individualism is giving them power. Giving them power would produce the risk of a rebellion. They also produce such rules so everyone is equal and won’t stand out.
respond thart prompt: I like the thing you said about the ideas coming to life.
ReplyDeleterespond sskin prompt: I like your quote.
Equality discovers electricity in this chapter. This discovery is very important in their time. This discovery could help them discover light bulbs and light. I think that they would enjoy life more because they would be able to stop using candles. Even though it would put the people who make candles out of the job, but it would give them opportunities to get different jobs.
The Council Scholars say that they know everything, and anything they don’t know doesn’t exist. He thinks that the Council is blind, meaning that they aren’t open to anything new. I think that the Council needs to loosen up. I understand they don’t like the technology, but they don’t have to shut it out completely. Some technology is good, like electricity, it can help you with a lot of things in life.
Equality discovers electricity. It is a huge breakthrough in technology at the time. It would give them means of insight into future uses for it. They also have a cleaner source of light energy to use. It gives light to flood the town allowing more time for work. It can also be used for inventions that would allow work to be done easier.
ReplyDeleteHonors Prompt:
ReplyDeleteThe scholars believe the society should be a totally controlled enviroment. They want all thinking, actions, and beliefs to be exactly the same with no uniquness. I feel that attributes like this exist in communist societies today. I feel this is completely wrong and everyone should be granted the opportunity to use an open mind. Such a thing would allow for a more sucessful and thrioving community.
Honors- The scholars believe in a common identity to the point of impeding their society. I hate these ideas, perhaps because I hate being limited by others. Communists countries are a less extreme form of this idea.
ReplyDeleteEquality has discovered electricity. The discovery of electricity is very important in their world because it can lead to bigger and inventions. They can learn to create light bulbs and stop using candles for their source of light. Also, this discovery can lead to more job oppourtunities. It could help with things such as heating, and eventually transportation, cooking, and television. This discovery can help out this society a lot.
ReplyDeleteHonors Prompt: The Council is a bunch of good-for-nothing know it all's. They think they know everything when really, they don't. If they have never heard or seen of it, then it doesn't exist. Equality thinks they are blind. They are supposed to be the "smart" ones out of this society. Really, Equality seems as if he knows more than the entire council and maybe even the scholars. They don't believe in individualism because it's a "risk" in letting them close to power. They want every single person to be the same. There can be no uniqueness in the world. I don't think such a thing is possible today. We have a right to freedom of speech. We have a right to our own opinions. We are allowed to be different. If someone was to take that away from us, there would be a riot.
Equality discovers electricity in this chapter. This has never been heard of in this time period. With this they could upgrade their whole sociey. With electricity comes better lighting for them. Work could be completed faster.
ReplyDeleteThe scholars believe that the society should all be the same. Everything has to be equal to meed their satisfaction. Communist societies have the same characteristics, but are less strict that the one in the Anthem.
Equality discovered electricity, he doesnt understand it but he knows something is happenning. This discovery is a wonderful discovery, not only is it wonderful, its very very important to this society. there are many ways thatthis discovery can help this society but here are a few: 1)it could give them better ways to move around during the night, 2)it would bring many new things to learn about, 3)many new jobs could be created form it, 4)and also could encourage people to find more new things.
ReplyDeleteHonors prompt: The Counsil of Scholars is very strict, some belifes they have are: things that everyone dont kno about dont exist, there is no greater widom then the Counsil of Scholars, and the scholars know of all things that exsit. Equilty doesnt understand some of these belifes, for instance, if the counsil doesnt now ko of it then it doesnt exsit. My thought about these belifes are very few, i feel that the counsil is just there to brain wash people and lower their selfesteam. These belifes would never make it in this day and time, i'm not a politcal person but i think we are the total opposite.
ReplyDelete@ Hcurr:i agree with your paragraph, it is very etailed and vivid.
@ Bbick:your paragraph is very descriptive.
Equality has discovered electricity,which has never been before in the society. He thought back and remembered when he cut open a dead frog,its leg jerked because it hung on a wire of copper and reacted with the metal knife. They can use electricity in their society instead of candles. They can make new discovery's knowing that they have electricity. They can make life enjoyable by creating technology with electricity.
ReplyDeleteIn this chapter, Equality discovers a new power of nature.(page 52) It basically is describing electricity because it gives the example of the frog coming back to life due to the copper wire and metal knife.(page 52) The use of hands gets to Equality. He thinks that his hands are the key to everything and that he must cherish them. Although, fear kicks in, and he knows that he cannot explain his discovery to anyone ,or he will be put into the Palace of Corrective Detention. This will occur only if he reveals his discovery. This discovery could give the society more light, it could easily lead to more and more discoveries of technology. Finally, this could make the jobs and lives of people easier.
ReplyDeleteHonors Prompt: In my opinion, the Council of Scholars is a bunch of guys who think they know everything. Due to this, they have the strength to overpower decisions and will not listen to anything others have to say. They believe that if they have not discovered it, then it does not exist. So, this basically ruins any chance of someone getting any idea into their head. Even if someone does discover something, they cannot explain it to any of their brothers, due to the fact that everything that is not discovered is unknown to anyone.
Honors:The Council of Scholars stated that we all know the things which exist and therefore the things which are not known by all do not exist. If the council does not know of something then it does not exist. The Equality thinks that the council is bonkers but some things Equality does not understand about the council. I do not think that these beliefs are in our society today, we can think freely and we are also not brainwashed.
ReplyDelete1.Equality dicovers electricity in this chapter, the discovery is very important because it would bring great use for the future of mankind.They would be able to invent the television, make video games, and be able to just see at night.
ReplyDeleteHonors:The council of Scholars have beliefs, such as; they believe that they are the highest figures in the society.They also believe that the rest of the citizens should be like their brothers and no different.Those beliefs are present in today's society, like how the president is the highest political figure, then comes the rest of the political figures.We the citizens of the United States are treated with the same amount of responsibilities.
ReplyDelete@sethkinker-I like how you described everything in great detail and how you cited the page numbers for Equalities' discovery.
ReplyDelete@lcrem-I like how you described everything in your Honors discussion prompt.
In this chapter Equality discovers electricity. This is monumentally important because the discovery could herald the end of the New Dark Age in which Anthem is set. With this discovery, Equality could single-handedly herald an end to the darkness which has engulfed the Earth. This would help society in the following ways: electricity would help society advance fast, it may help people start thinking individually, the world would not be in the dark, and it might help people sway to the side of Equality."No single one can possess greater knowledge than the many Scholars who are elected by all men for their wisdom."(Rand pg.54)
ReplyDeleteHONORS PROMPT/ The council believes that no one person can possess greater knowledge than another. Only the great WE can possess the same amount of knowledge. He thinks these rules are right but at the same time believes them to be wrong. Then he says he doesn't care for the ideals. These beliefs do exist in society today. They exist in anyone who tries to separate anyone into certain groups or in anyone who thinks what their friends say is always better than what they say.
ReplyDeleteIn this chapter, Equality discovered light Without light, we would be living in total darkness. Everyday would be like winter. Take the sun for example. It provides food, light, and warmth. We rely our whole lives on it.
ReplyDeleteHonors prompt: The Scholars believe that working all day is moral. working yourself to death for the good of society is moral.
In the scociety that Equality lives, the closest thing they have to constant night is the sun and candles. Candles run out of wax after a few weeks of constant use unless they are huge. In chapter three Equality discovers electricity and the abilty to controll it. He relizes that he can light the streets and the homes of his"brothers". If he worked hard enough he might be able to recreate the telegraph, or mabey create an electric car. Equality has a great power in his hands, and he can use it however he whishes.
ReplyDeleteThe Council of Scholars has some interesting belifes. They belive that they have discovered everything there is to discover. They are there to make discoveries so that people can toil more, but they say they have discovered everything. If everyone does not know "it" than "it" does not have importance or does not exist. The "it" is whatever knowledge you think you have discovered. Only scholars are allowed to make the discoveries, and it must be a group effort. No one man is allowed to have any higher knowledge that the rest of his "Brothers". To have more knowledge is to be evil, or is to sin. Today there is a sense of teamwork, the ability to know a little more than your friends is exciting. When every person has something diffrent to give, it makes the project go faster. It is an achievement to get work done quickly, yet this time period seems to think that it is better to take it slowly. The diffrences are obvious, but the advantages seem to play in our times' advantage. By getting things done quickly we create answers, we also cause problems by overlooking key parts of equations but we give answers. Equalitys' time wants to get the entire idea of anything at all, this includes candles.