Friday, January 7, 2011

Anthem: Chapter 6

Respond to 2 of the three questions below.

1- Up until now, Equality has been sneaking in and out of his hidden place to work on his invention. One night he is caught sneaking back in to his “home.” What is his punishment?

2- How did Equality become free from the Palace of Corrective Detention?

3- The old locks and lack of guards in the Palace of Corrective Detention indicate that prisoners have never tried to escape. According to the text, why not?

Honors' Discussion Prompt
Discuss the pro's and con's of the Palace of Corrective Detention. Would such a design work in the modern day? Explain your answer taking into considering both sides of the issue.


  1. 2) Equality became free from the Palace of Corrective Detention because he broke down the door. There were no gaurds, so he escaped easily.

    3) The reason that prisoners had never tried to escape is because men had never defied the Councils so far as to escape from whatever place they were ordered to be.

    I don't think that there are any pros to the Palace of Corrective Detention other than the fact that it would be easy to escape from. In this day in time, the design would not work, because men know the meaning of their ego, the meaning of the word 'I'. They know that they can escape, and they know that they can do as they please. Now if men were trained to refer to themselves as 'we' and worshiped what they could do as 'men' the design would probably work. But everyone knows what they are capable of, so therefore the idea is outlandish.

  2. #1: When he is caught sneaking from his place in the tunnel he is whipped and questioned were he had been.

    #3: The reason that they haven't upgraded the locks to ones that actually work is because no man had defied the council and tried to escape the Palace of Correctional Detention.

    Honors Discussion Prompt: The Palace of Correctional Detention is a very penetrable place in the sense that it isn't very hard to escape from it. I think that they should keep it secure even if no one had tried to escape it because you never know when someone is going to try to do it. I mean these are people that have defied laws. The cons are it is easy top escape. There are no pros.

    In modern day if we had a prison like this then we might as well let the prisoners go because this kind of facility isn't going to hold back modern day prisoners if it can't even hold back one's that don't even want to escape because of rules. The prisoners today don't care about rules and laws that is why they are in prison and that is why this prison would be a horrible mistake to use in modern day.

  3. 1) Equality is taken to the Palace of Corrective Detention. The oldest council member orders Equality to be whipped until he reveals where he has been. They whip him over and over but Equality refuses to tell them about the tunnel or the light. They ask him every day but he never tells. He counts the days so he knows when he needs to escape.

    2) Escaping the Corrective Detention Center was easy. The locks on the door were very old and they didn't post any guards. Equality simply breaks the door down and walks out through the dark passages, dark streets, and the tunnel.

    The Corrective Detention Center is kind of like a prison. Modern prisons aren't anything like that though. That sort of place would never work in this day and age, especially the whipping part, even if it is a more effective interrogation method. Human rights are big right now, especially in America, whipping prisoners would never be allowed. Another issue is the weak locks and lack of guards. Most current day prisoners wouldn't hesitate to just walk out if they could.

  4. 2) He escaped by breaking down the door and sneaking out. There were not guards so it was a piece of cake.
    3) In the society they are all taught to obey the law. Before equality nobody really tried to escape they listened to well. They did what they were told to do.
    HONORS: The pro of the Corrective Detention Center is that you have to have at least half a brain to say it? But really there aren’t any real pros here. That place is as open as my front door, which is almost always unlocked might I add. In modern day society you tell men in a prison to stay and then leave. You come back 5 minutes later and they aren’t going to be there. You shouldn’t expect that. That and now human rights is a big thing here, we can't use physical measures to get answers anymore, legally at least. Then only pro for that prison is they got answers faster then we could.

  5. #1. When Equality is caught sneaking out his punishment is that he is put in the Palace of Corrective Detention. While in the Palace of Corrective Detention he gets lashed for not saying where he’s been.

    #3. The locks on the door are so awful because, no one has ever tried to break out before. No one has ever defied the laws that the Council has given them until now.

    In my opinion there really are no pros about the Palace of Corrective Detention. I mean come on there’s no windows, an iron post, and two men in leather aprons. That just sounds awful, at least in a prison now days there is windows. I think that some people would go crazy if they didn’t see the outside, I know that I personally would. I mean I guess one pro would that you could break out really easy, but that’s about it. I personally think that the design would not work in today’s society. The prisoners would defiantly try to escape.

  6. 1): When Equality is caught sneaking out, he is punished by being put in the Palace of Corrective Detention. He is asked questions and gets whipped for not saying where he was at. Equality will not share about his invention or the tunnel.

    2): Equality learned that there were no guards at the door. He escaped by breaking down the door and sneaking out.

    Honors: I think the pro's about the Palace of Corrective Detention are that real criminals will be punished and get what's coming for them.
    A con would be if an innocent person would have to be put in there and be punished it would be sad. This would be the perfect place for a criminal except guards need to be at the doors so no one could escape. Anyone knows that if you leave a prisoner in an unlocked room and unguarded that the person will surely escape.

  7. 1: Equality is sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention. He is chained up and interrogated. Equality is whipped when he doesn't tell his brothers where he was. After a while, they send him to a cell and ask him daily where he was. He continues to refuse to tell them.

    2: Equality escaped from the Palace of Corrective Detention. He knew that the locks were old and that there were no guards around because no one had ever tried to escape before. He broke out of his cell and simply left.

    Honors: The Palace of Corrective Detention is, obviously, very easy to break out of. In Equality's case, this was definatley a pro. They didn't have to update the locks or keep guards around the prison because no one had ever tried to break out before. This would be a por for the government. Labelling facts about the prison depends upon who's point of view you're looking at it from. A pro for Equality would be a con for the government, and visa versa. A prison system like this wouldn't work in America today because convicts aren't going to stay there. The honor system doesn't work so well with them.

  8. #1 Equality was set to the Palace of Corrective Detention. Equality was tied up, interrogated, and whipped repeatedly. He resisted the whole time.
    #2 Equality just walks out. There were no lock and no guards.
    Prompt: A pro of the Palace of Corrective Detention is that one can interrogate people, house criminals, and one doesn't need guard because everyone(but Equality) will do anything that the Council orders them to. A con is that people like Equality can just walk out. This would not work today because most criminals aren't trust worthy.

  9. 2. Equality gets free from the Palace of Corrective Detention very easily. Due to the fact that there is no guards, he slips out of his cell and leaves the facility. He runs and runs until he finally reaches the Uncharted Forrest. Which no one before him, has taken the chance to enter.

    3. Equality is in the the cell with no guards and old locks on the doors. The book says that there is no reason to have guards because men have never defied the Councils so far as to escape. (page 67) Therefore, they do not bother to have guards to make sure that they stay put.

    Honors Prompt: The Palace of Corrective Detension would have to be the easiest place to escape out of. In my opinion, the way they deal with the men is very harsh, but is a great way to get words out of his mouth. Now that is about the only pro. There are many flaws to this place. There are no guards, and the locks areold and easy to beak through. So, a detension center without guards is pointless.
    If our world today were to have security like this, there would basically be no point in having prisons or jails. I mean, basically no point in having laws because if you break them, they will send you to jail and you could escape and keep doing them. So, a world with this type of facility would be awful.

  10. 1.He is sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention and he is tied up and interrogated, but he doesn't tell anything.
    2.He just notices that there are no guards there and he runs out to the uncharted forest, so that they can't get him.

  11. Honors:The Palac of Corrective Detention as no guards, so anyone can just get up and walk right out the door.In today's society, it would not work.We have people that can escape maximum security in the best facilities in the world, so I can only imagine what would happen if we only had that to rely on to keep us safe.

  12. @jwats-I like how you described what happened to him in such few words.

    @thart-I like how you said that nobody has yet tried to defy the councils rules and escape from the Palace of Corrective Detention.

  13. #2 Escaping was very easy becuase the locks were old and broke, and there were no guards.

    #3 No one tried to escape because, no one had ever defied the laws of the Council.

    Honors: There aren't really any pros to the Palace of Corrective Detention. Mostly because there is no security. It would have no relevance in the modern world because you might as well let the prisoners go. It is really hard to discuss because it really isn't anything. There just aren't benefits.

  14. #2 Equality escaped the Palace of Corrective Detention very easily. There were no guards on duty and the locks on the doors were quite old. Equality just broke down the door and left his cell.
    #3 The prisoners had never tried to escape because it had never really occurred to them that they could. The citizens had been told to obey and follow the rules, so that’s exactly what they did. Since no one had ever attempted to escape, they didn’t have anyone guarding the cells or have updated locks.
    Prompt: The Palace of Corrective Detention is definitely an easy place to escape from. In my opinion, there’s really only one pro, which is whipping in this particular situation. Even though whipping is very cruel and inhumane, it usually works to the point where you can get answers out of someone. However, there are many more cons. The lack of guards and old locks make it very simple for those who wish to escape. In present day times, this type of punishment would not work. The prisoners would realize there were no guards and that the cells were out dated. They would jump on the opportunity to escape the prison as soon as possible. Current day prisons would never be able to operate with these conditions.

  15. 1,2,&3- When he is found he is whipped and questioned about his whereabouts. He became free by simply breaking the ancient locks and running out. The text explains that there are no guards because no one had dared to defy the council.

    Honors- The pro are that it would be cheaper to operate. In a current society, however, this would not work due to people having the ability to think analytically. What Hitler showed, though, was that a strong authoritative government with sucessfull use of propoganda can be able to start to persuade their people into a particular ideology in a decade and a half. Given centuries, I believe that could be broken to this degree rather well.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. #1,2: When he is caught and sent to the palace of detention he is whipped. He is beat and whipped and while this is going on he is questioned the whole time about where he was. Of course he never breaks and tells them. He breaks out by busting down the old wooden door.

    Honors: This type of prison have no pro's. It has no guards. It's last maintenance check was the day it was built. Also all he had to do was bust the door down. There were guards to stop him. The only thing that stopped most people was the will to listen to the council and fear of the Unchartered Forest. This prison would not work in Modern Times due to the type of prisoners and people.

  18. #1- For his punishment he is put in the Palace of Corrective Detention. While he's there he is asked where he'd been and after he refused they lashed him.

    #3- Well for one reason they never escaped from the Palace of Corrective Detention is because they never had to try. They all obey the rules so I'm sure they don't have people in their often. No one dared tried to defy the Council of Scholars, except Equality.

    Honors: I don't think there is any pros that have to do with the Palace of Corrective Detention besides you have a choice to either end being there or not. Plus, what you say is up to the Council to decide what to do with you. Probably the closet thing to that would be prison, but even in prison people don't get whipped. The closet thing to gettiing lashed is with other cellmates. Today there is a lot of people who don't obey the rules, and there is no way you can try to escape from prison. There is just no way that the punishments back then would would work in today's society.

  19. 2/ Equality escaped by busting down the door. There were no gaurds so he just walked out.

    3/The prisoners never tried to escape because it never occured to them that they could. They were to brainwashed to realize that they could disobey the "fair" rules the elders set.

    Honors/ This design would not work in modern society. Prisoners today wouldn't be a fraction of obient as the prisoners of Anthem.They would DEFINETLY try to escape. Modern prisoners have actually commited real crimes like murder or theft. There really are no pro's to being in the Palace of Corrective Detention. The "prisoners" have done nothing wrong in the first place so, it's dumb they are being punished for being themselves.

  20. 2- Equality escaped from the Palace of Corrective Detention by simply breaking down the door. The place is old so the locks don't work and they don't have guards.

    3- The reason no one has ever tried to escape the Palace of Corrective Detention is because they just never tried. No one has ever defied the Council because they all abide by the rules. The people would never try to escape because they are afraid at what might happen. Equality was the only one willing to defy the council, all the others are afraid.

    Prompt: Okay, so this Corrective Detention Center isn't working out for me. It's a true harsh and cruel place. It's almost like a prison. They way it worked out good for them, would never quite work out in today's society. We wouldn't dare whip someone no matter how effective it may be, we have rights and it's also kind of inhumane. Also, if our prison security was that low, lets say that we would have plenty of thieves, rapists, sex offenders, and murderers roaming the streets. If we kept that weak of a system and the prisoners knew it, they would just walk out. In the society where Equality lives, people wouldn't dare break the rules. If no one even hesitated to stop them, they would be on their way causing mayhem everywhere.

  21. 2). It was very easy for Equality to get free from the Correction Center. All the locks were old so all he had to do was push against the door. Nobody else had tried to escape so theyre were no guards. Equality basically walked out of there.

    3). Nobody else had ever tried to escape the center because they had been ordered to stay there. Most people in this society will not try to leave because that is where the Council has decided they belong for the time being. They're completely trained to do exactly what tgey're told or they're just disgusted with themselves. Everything that is ordered to them is like a law they cannot physically break. Except for Equality; he has seen past this mind block and has decided to move forward with it.

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  23. Respond dakotaleavitt prompt: I fully agree with you.
    Respond hcurr #3: I like how you worded your answer.

  24. from-sskin

    #1- Equality is punished by being hit with a whip on his back until he tells where he was. It makes the society seem somewhat barbaric in a since when this is a punishment for just being somewhere else. It mimics our history and is quite unsettling.

    #2- He escapes by just walking out one night. There are no guards to stop him becuase no one has ever even thought of leaving. This is apperently a very bad offence when he leaves like that when being punished.

    honors- In todays society people would love the correctional place like that. It would be more than easy to escape from and people of this time would gladly leave without a second thought. It wouldn't do any good for anyone if this was the only punishment of today. Everyone knows the meaning of "I" so they wouldn't worry of the great "we" and would do anything to help their own butts.

  25. from-sskin

    hcurr- I like how you put in they were ordered not to leave.
    kmael- Its true they were brainwashed. Your also correct when they all thought it was "fair" ruling.

  26. #1- He is punished by being whipped on the back untill he tells where he went.

    #3- The reason no body has tried to escape the Palace of Correctional Detention is becasue no man had defied the council and tried to escape.

    Honors- In todays society, this type of correctional facility has never been heard of. Criminals would not care and would escape everyday and not think about the consequences that would follow. So, there would be no punishment in todays society.

  27. 1) Equality's punishment was to be lashed until he told judges where he was and why he was late getting back.

    2)To get out of the Palace of Corrective Detention Equality busted through the door. He was able to do this because the locks on the door were old.

    Honors- In my opion the Palace of Corrective Detention is an awful place to have. There is only one pro about it though, whipping someone will get the answers u want a lot faster. The cons of this are if the people really wanted out, like Equality, then they could busted out. The people in today society would not stay, they would just bust out within three minutes of being there. Although the whipping may get the answers this style would never work in the mondern day.

  28. ekapl #3-I like the way your answer is worded.

    Jneal- I like yours, short sweet and to the point.

  29. 1- Equality is caught because he lost track of time. He was asked where he had been but he would not confess. So instead, he got lashings and interrogations. The Corrections Department thought this would break Equality and International. Their tactic failed miserably. Now Equality and International have to sneak around again and try to show the scholars their make shift light bulb.

    3- The locks are rusty and there are no guards for only one reason. No one has been daring enough to try and escape. Anyway if they did get out, then where are they to go? The forbidden forest has never been stepped in and they would die if they stayed there too long. This society scares men so much that they have lost their braveness and angst. The pride of these men has gone down the drain.

    Honors- This particular prison would not work in today’s society. There are so many intelligent criminals that they would find a way out on their first night. There would also be arguments about the way they are punished. Many citizens of today’s society would be uncomfortable with the fact that some innocent people that are accused of wrong doing are being whipped and tortured. Also the fact that the judge beats the criminals himself would kind of put a biased opinion on the judges shoulder.

  30. 2.) He became free by simply walking out. There are no guards, so he kicked the doors down and just walked out.

    3.) Prisoners have never tried to escape simply because they are afraid to disrespect their brothers and the punishment involved.

    Honors Prompt:
    The Palace of Corrective Detention is pretty much like a prison. So obviously the cons outweigh the pros. It's design would not work in todays society simply because people understand they can escape. They know who they truly are.

  31. #1: His punishment was being lashed until he told the Council where he had been.

    #3: The reason they had faulty locks and no guards was that no one had ever tried to escape. Everyone was too scared to try to defy the Council.

    Honors: That design would never work now. The Palace is far too easy to escape from. I think the Council got arrogant and underestimated people’s ability to fight back against them. Now a place like that wouldn't work because people understand that they can escape. People now have too much pride to just sit and wait for a punishment.

  32. Honors: The Palace of Corrective Detention has more cons than pros in my opinion. There are no locks, no guards,and they beat the prisoners. I'm not even sure what the pros are here. Maybe that the prisoners are so brainwashed they don't try to escape. But this would definitely not work in the modern day. People would escape all the time.

  33. 1. Equality is taken to the Palace of Corrective Detention. He is then taken to the Stone Room, where he is stripped of all his clothes, and tied to an iron post. Finally, he is whipped again and againuntil he has admitted why was late coming "home".
    2. Equality notices that the locks on the door of his cell are extremelyold. Also, there are no guards aroun, for their is no reason. They are not needed since have never defied the councils. Equality breaks the door down and sneaks to his hiding place underground.
    Honors Prompt: A negative would be being beaten to death. A positive would be the councilhaving complete power overeveryone just by intimidation.

  34. 2) Equality became free from the Palace of Corrective Detention with ease. He was able to break down the door and escape. There were no guards watching him allowing him to get out of there.

    3) No one has ever tried to escape out of fear. Everyone in this society is brainwashed and try their best to not go against their society. The society isn't used to having people break out of their punishments.

    Honors) The Palace of Corrective Detention is somewhat like a modern prison. There is no way that modern prisoners would be held back by the Palace of Corrective Detention. The prisoners would have to be brainwashed, or extremely unwilling, to not want to escape. Modern day prisoners will be anything possible to escape.

  35. #1/ Equality is lashed and sees fire while being lashed. He smells it too. He cannot seem to resist it. The fire represents knowledge. Knowledge is irresistible.
    #2/ Equality leaves the Palace of Corrective Detention because there are no guards. No one has ever went against the Council this much in the known past.
    HONORS PROMPT/ Their are no pros to the Palace of Corrective Detention's method of torture. Such a design would work in the modern day but it is too barbaric to be used. The method is effective and would get anyone else beside Equality to talk but it is so intrusive on the thought of everyone being Equal.

    1. You are right, the method is barbaric. I didn't think to use that.

  36. Equality is sent to the Palace of Corrective Detention when he is discovered to have been away by himself. He is then taken to the basement below the Palace of Corrective Detention, tied to a post with his hands bound, and lashed.

  37. The reason that Equality could escape so easaly from the Palace od Corrective Detention was because the goverment never thought that anyone would ever try to escape. The men of the time had never tried to do anything wrong, accept for the one time that they made a mistake and ended up in the Palace in the first place. Gaurds are rather unneccassary.

  38. The Palace of Corective Detention does have both pros and cons. Pros are that there is always something to keep you in line, they are always trying to keep the population under their thumb, so the idea that there is an entire Palace that is dedicated to punishing you is rather intimidating. The cons is that you are tourturing people, probably to death. If you kill half of the population, an uprising will propbably happen. You also have people like Equality who relize that there are flaws in the system and take advanage of the flaws. There will always be people who take advantage of the flaws, no mater what time period you are in.
